User Fields

ReviewSmart User Fields

The following fields are added by ReviewSmart at the document level.

Review Volume Fixed- Length Text TPM Assigned/System Populated When files are processed through NUIX, prior to import into Relativity. To distinguish between multiple volumes of data imported into Relativity at different times, for review.
REVS_Coding Hash Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Populated when a document undergoes propagation. Used during analysis to determine if coding values have changed since last propagation. This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Changing values in this field will result in coding designations not being recognized accurately during analysis.
REVS_Errors Multiple Choice System Populated - Do Not Edit This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit ReviewSmart writes to this field during analysis if errors are found (i.e. coding/redactions/images out of sync, multiple manual sources selected). Duplicates with a value in this field are not eligible to receive propagation unless overwrite option is selected. This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Indicates any discrepancies that reviewers need to address before the document can be eligible for non- overwrite propagation.
REVS_Include Yes/No End- User/Reviewer Populate before running ReviewSmart & when new data is imported into the Relativity workspace to determine whether or not a document will be included in ReviewSmart. This field tells the system what documents to include in ReviewSmart and also becomes the "REVS corpus" as seen in the Reports page. Only docs with a "Yes" value in this field are evaluated by ReviewSmart.
REVS_InSync Yes/No System Populated - Do Not Edit Populated during analysis. This field is used to identify whether the duplicate document is in sync with its source document.
REVS_LastPropagationDate Date System Populated - Do Not Edit Populated with the date/time of the last time propagation was run on a document. All review complete sources have this field populated during propagation, as well as their eligible Duplicates. Indicates when and if a document has undergone propagation.
REVS_Locked Yes/No System Populated - Do Not Edit This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit ReviewSmart updates this field to "Yes" when it locks documents (during analysis), and sets it to "No" when it unlocks (during propagation). This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Indicates whether or not a document is locked - manually editing this field does not unlock the document. Null value means it was never locked, "No" value means it was locked and then unlocked.
REVS_ManuallySetSource Yes/No End- User/Reviewer If a document has this field set to "Yes." it will become the source for that dupe family the next time Analyze is run. If multiple docs in a dupe family are set to "Yes", the docs will get the "Multiple manual sources" error. Used to manually force ReviewSmart to set a document as the new source the next time Analyze is run.
REVS_RedactionHash Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Populated when a document undergoes propagation. Used during analysis to determine if redactions have changed since last propagation. This field is populated by the System - Do Not Edit Changing values in this field will result in redactions not being recognized accurately during analysis.
REVS_ReviewComplete Yes/No End- User/Reviewer Dupe families are only eligible for propagation if this field is set to "Yes" for the Source document. This field is ignored for Duplicates. Used for Source documents to indicate that review is complete and that the dupe family it belongs to is eligible for propagation.
REVS_Source Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit During analysis, ReviewSmart assigns the document with the lowest ARTIFACTID as the source document within the MD5 hash document family. Relational field used to identify dupe families.
REVS_SourceDupeStatus Single Choice System Populated - Do Not Edit Populated during analysis. Used to determinewhether a document is a Sourceor a Duplicate. Identifies whether a document is a Source or Duplicate file.
ARTIFACTID Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit When the file is first imported into the system, Relativity assigns an ArtifactID to each file. So the Relativity database has a unique identifier to reference for queries.
Custodian Single Choice System Populated - Do Not Edit When files are processed through NUIX, prior to import into Relativity. To identify who the documents were collected from or is associated with.
MD5 Hash Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit When files are processed through NUIX, prior to import into Relativity. To identify duplicate files using the file properties deriving the hash value.
REVIEWID Fixed- Length Text SystemPopulated - Do Not Edit When files are processed through NUIX, prior to import into Relativity. To apply a unique file identifier for reference.
Docs Excluded
From ReviewSmart
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_Include field is not "Yes".
Docs Included
in ReviewSmart
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_Include field is not "Yes".
Document Staging
Single Object End- User/Reviewer When Lighthouse sets up the ReviewSmart set, a staging folder is selected. To direct new ReviewSmart sets to a secure area to pass a quality check before release.
Duplicates Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Duplicate" - To track how many documents did not need manual review to designate propagated fields.
Duplicates With
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Duplicate" and REVS_Errors is set.
In Sync Duplicates Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function, then again at the end of Propagate function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Duplicate" and all coding/redaction values match its Source.
Locked Duplicates
Single Object Set by Lighthouse Administrator During document lock, the documents will be moved to this folder.
During unlock, the documents will be moved out of this folder.
The folder where Duplicates that have had no propagation will be locked. If this field is null it will default to "Z_REVS_Locked." If that folder does not exist, no documents will be locked.
Non Review
Complete Sources
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Source" and "REVS_ReviewComplete" is not "Yes".
Out of Sync
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function, then again at the end of Propagate function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Duplicate" and at least one coding/redaction value does not match its Source.
Review Complete
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Source" and "REVS_ReviewComplete" is "Yes".
Sources Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Number of docs in workspace where REVS_SourceDupeStatus is "Source".
REVS_PropagationField Drop- Down Menu Set by Lighthouse Administrator The Lighthouse admin selects one or more fields that will propagate redactions and associates them to the ReviewSmart set during setup. The REVS set must be able to identify which fields to propagate redactions to.
Status Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit Populated when a ReviewSmart set has completed a phase. Can indicate if the ReviewSmart set is queued, completed successfully or errored.
Total Docs in
Whole Number System Populated - Do Not Edit Updated at the end of Analyze function. Total number of documents in the workspace including those not analyzed by
FolderTree_Review Long Text System Populated - Do Not Edit When files are processed through NUIX, prior to import into Relativity. Field used to generate foldering structure in Relativity.
Do not unlock
Yes/No End- User/Reviewer (Default Checked) During propagation. If unchecked, duplicates will be moved from their locked folder to the folder listed in the FolderTree_Review, after Propagation.
Last Sync Date System Populated - Do Not Edit During propagation.

The timestamp when the last propagation occurred.
Overwrite conflicting Duplicates Yes/No End- User/Reviewer (Default Unchecked) During propagation. Any document with potential issues will have existing coding or redactions overwritten when selected
Source REVIEWID Fixed- Length Text System Populated - Do Not Edit During analysis. Contains the REVIEWID for source documents with propagation issues
REVS_SourceDupCount Whole number System Populated - Do Not Edit During analysis. Duplication to Source count created for use in reporting.
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