Analyze Documents
Analyze the ReviewSmart corpus to sort documents as a Source or Duplicate, and compare their coding and redactions. This will help to identify any issues that might prevent a Duplicate from receiving propagation.
Analyze identifies documents in the workspace marked REVS_Include as a Source (first copy of each unique MD5 Hash) or Duplicate (additional copies), compares their coding and redactions, and ensures propagation happens to the correct documents, in the correct order.
Choose Analyze from the dropdown.
Analyze Options
Family Check | View family coding inconsistencies within propagation fields. See also Enable Family Check. |
Custodian All | Analyze and display the custodian values for all documents in a ReviewSmart hash group. |
Click Run to begin the analysis.
You will see the status of your request in the table below.
Status Error
If your job encounters an error, please submit a ticket to our support team.
Click View History to see a detailed list of previous submissions with an option to export to Excel.
Once you run Analyze, you will see a breakdown of your document counts, including Source Review Status and Duplicate Sync Status.
Rerun Analyze when new documents are loaded into the workspace or after modifying any documents to update this information.
Total ReviewSmart Corpus
This chart displays document counts within the ReviewSmart corpus.
Sources | The number of unique source documents and their percentage as part of the ReviewSmart corpus. | |
Duplicates | The number of duplicate documents and their percentage as part of the ReviewSmart corpus. | |
ReviewSmart corpus | The total number of documents in ReviewSmart. | |
Total corpus | Total number of documents in this workspace, irrespective of their inclusion in ReviewSmart. |
Source Review Status
This chart displays source document counts by review status.
ReviewSmart review complete | The number of source documents that have the REVS_ReviewComplete field checked and their percentage as part of total number of source documents. |
ReviewSmart review pending | The number of source documents that do NOT have the REVS_ReviewComplete field checked and their percentage as part of total number of source documents. |
Duplicate Sync Status
This chart displays duplicate document counts by sync status.
Duplicates in sync | The number of duplicate documents that have the same values in the propagation fields and the same redactions as their source document and their percentage as part of the total number of duplicate documents. This includes pristine documents where both the Source and Duplicates have not received any coding or redactions. |
Duplicates out of sync - Requires propagation | The number of duplicate documents that do NOT have the same values in the propagation fields or the same redactions as their source document. This number reflects both newly loaded documents where propagation has not yet occurred, as well as instances where propagation occurred, but changes were later made to source documents. Once the source documents have the REVS_ReviewComplete field checked, running propagation will put these Duplicates in syn with their Sources. See Propagate options for more details. |
Duplicates with issues - Require overwrite or conflict resolution | Number of duplicate documents that cannot receive coding or redactions propagation from their source documents due to issues such as coding conflicts, redaction conflicts, or multiple sources. See Identify issues for more information. |
Good to know
To see how to resolve coding and redaction conflicts, go to the Handling Conflicts article.
Identify issues
View the Propagation Issues grid to review documents prevented from receiving coding or redaction propagation.
Source documents
At the top level of the grid are a list of Source documents with associated Duplicates containing issues.
Source Review ID The Review or Doc ID of the source document.
Clicking on the ID number will open the source document in a new window. Review Complete This column shows whether or not the source document has the REVS_ReviewComplete field checked. Duplicate Count The count of all the duplicate documents for that source document, including Duplicates excluded from ReviewSmart. Duplicate Status This column shows whether or not all of the duplicate documents for the Source have been locked away. If any Duplicate is locked, a lock icon will show. Review Volume Review volume of the source document. Custodian Custodian of the source document. Last Sync The timestamp of the last propagation run from the source document.
Duplicate documents
Expand the line item for a Source document to reveal the associated duplicate documents grid.
Duplicate Review ID | The ReviewID or DocID of the duplicate documents. Clicking on the ID number will open the duplicate document in a new window. |
Sync Status | Shows whether coding and redactions of the duplicate document is in sync with the source document. |
Lock Status | Shows whether the duplicate document is in the locked folder. |
Inclusive Status | Shows whether the duplicate document is included or excluded from ReviewSmart. |
Last Sync | Shows the timestamp of the last propagation received from the source document. |
Issues | Shows any issues for the duplicate document that prevents it from receiving coding and redactions propagation from its source document. |
Coding columns | Shows the values in each field included in ReviewSmart propagation. Any difference with the source document is highlighted in red. |
To update all information in the Propagation Issues grid, select Analyze and click Run.
Training Videos
Analyze and Propagate
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